Sunday, July 13, 2008

Daddoo's Purchasing Power (Contd.)

'I have always wanted to wet my feet in rains. It gives you that feeling of wretchedness and ..' Daddoo murmured.

'Our life is wretched by definition. Lobsters are supposed to feel so.'

'You should not always keep it wet.'

'What else do you want?'

'Balloons.' Daddoo replied instantly.

'Should I ask why?'

'They don't get wet. And I can buy them.' Daddoo continued, 'What do you want?'

'I cannot buy anything.'

'If I give you a balloon for free, would you want it then?' Daddoo asked.

'How long could you keep your feet wet?'

'Till I get a new balloon.'


Vikas said...

oye you should get into writing comic strips!!

vaibhav said...

hehe...i could take that seriously ...but lobsters are bad at drawing...

Vikas said...

hmm maybe i can get the lob in touch with someone. what say??

vaibhav said...

Lobs don;t like other Lobs.

Vaibhav 'Spitzer' Thakur said...

...deciphering message...


Can Not Decipher the Message

Upgarde your brain and try again.